How to install Ubuntu on PS3
The fact where many people go wrong is that they are afraid to install it on their console as they are afraid that they might be banned or something like that.
Installing Ubuntu is 100% legal, so you do not have to worry about it. In order to get this program on your computer, you only need one thing, and this software.
If you have a program that allows you to get Ubuntu on the PS3, once the program has been installed, you only need to perform the following steps:
1 - Install the software on your Playstation 3, putting it on a stick or USB, or a blank disc.
2 - After installation, select the program you want installed (Windows / Linux / Ubutnu)
That's it. This is how easy it is to install Ubuntu on your console, PS3. However, keep in mind that many programs that claim they can help you while they are in fact not be.
To avoid these scam programs, you should always check the feedback allows real users so you can avoid ending a scam.
What software if you use when you want to install Ubuntu on PS3
Most of the program on the basis of their research and have received many excellent feedback called PS3 Magic. PS3 Magic is a program that has the ability to install any PC platform PS3.
Besides, PS3 is the magic step by step guide to enable you to make sure you are installing Ubuntu on the PS3 right on your Playstation 3.
Why do not you take a look at this program? Visit: PS3 Magic
So, if you want to install Ubuntu on the PS3, then you should get software that will allow you to get Ubuntu on the PlayStation 3.
Great program, which is strongly recommended to call PS3 Magic, which has received a lot of great feedback many happy users.